Posted by: malia | October 12, 2014

sunday stealing: [random questions]

[Random Questions]

Who were you with yesterday?
my son, mostly. also had a dr appt and a birthday party of a colleague’s son, so got to see a bunch of colleagues, although i didn’t sit with them.

What woke you up this morning?
the need to go to the bathroom.

Where are you?
at home.

Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
i go back to work tomorrow. 😦 wah. the break was too short because i had things to do every single day 😦 i just want a few days to relax!

What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW?
this question.

Do you listen to music every day?

Are you a fast typer?
i’m average, i guess.

Whats your favorite type of soda?
i like root beer or cream sodas, but haven’t had any in years.

Have you ever won an award?

Are you listening to music right now?

How long ’till your birthday?
it was my birthday a couple of weeks ago, so not for another 50 more weeks 😛

Do you use ebay to buy or sell?

Who makes you mad?
annoying people.

What do you do when you’re mad?
turn up the music really loud.

Do certain songs make you cry?

Are you usually a happy person?

What makes you the happiest?
being with people i love.

Do you believe in yourself?
i’m not god.


  1. Turing the music up loud and singing along is a great way to get over being mad. I usually do that in the car. (Yes, I’m that crazy woman rocking out in her car at the stop light. lol)

    Enjoy the day!

    • hahaha i rock out too! 😛 i’m always blasting the music in my car, especially after a long, rough day.

  2. I know just what you mean about being busy over break. It feels like there wasn’t even a break!

    • yes, totally! even on the weekends i was busy. if i could have had at least a couple of days with nothing, then it would have been better! 🙂

  3. That reason for getting up usually what gets me up too

    • sucks, huh? bah.

  4. Yay, another root beer lover!

    • yum!!

  5. Your answer to the last question is wise indeed. Good one. And Happy Belated Birthday!

    • thank you!

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